St. Gerard School: Interconnections

At St. Gerard, we are always finding unique opportunities to allow our students to connect with the diverse community around us. A Vietnamese student named Chau, was interested in understanding how Canadian communities support the elderly. Upon her interest, we created the foundation for what was to become an amazing learning experience. Our students are familiar with technology and wanted to share their ipads with the seniors at Porteous Lodge to read stories to the residents. Before the students embarked on this experience, we discussed the importance of keeping our technology friendly and welcoming. We acknowledged and discussed the dangers within bullying that can be found online, so we collaboratively discussed how we could keep our technology safe and prevented from bullying. Students were beyond excited to meet the residents and spread kindness and holiday spirit to them. The field trip will be treasured forever as students found ways to connect with various groups within our community and successfully demonstrate the values of St. Gerard; Those of kindness, friendship, loyalty and empowerment.
