HOPE – Student Awareness Group (Winston High School, Watrous)
HOPE formed in December of 2021 with many interested students wanting to take part. “While we are still going through the growing pains that come with starting a brand new club we are really proud of our accomplishments thus far,” Denise Lucas.
HOPE stands for Honesty, Openness, Positivity and Education. The members are from all grades and each has a bright spark to contribute. HOPE has doers and action takers, thinkers and observers. Ideas and talents and insight and passion are invaluable as we bring awareness of important topics, dates, events, causes and activities to the school and surrounding communities.
HOPE’s diverse membership is fluid and we believe there is room for anyone and everyone at our table. HOPE will always be a safe space that believes in gratitude, love and kindness towards others.
HOPE brought attention to Black History Month with daily announcements and a powerful reader’s theatre telling one family’s perspective on life in rural Saskatchewan. HOPE had a Pink Shirt Day, Autism Awareness poster campaign, and MMIWG2S Red Dress Day.
HOPE’s final and most major project for the year was working collaboratively with the elementary school and the Town of Watrous to paint crosswalks for PRIDE. HOPE shared rainbow treats with all staff and students as well.