What's new?
Be Kind Online is a movement as much as it is a message. Check back frequently on how we are sharing good deeds and spreading kindness.
Time Out for Mental Health
On April 26th, Grenfell High Community School took a “Time Out for Mental Health” by hosting their very own mental health conference.
Better Together
The staff at Rivier Elementary School began “Better Together Tuesdays” at the beginning of the 2022-2023 School Year. Their vision was to expand and celebrate “Better Together” Tuesdays school wide.
Bikes for Kindness
The students can now go out into the community and do-little things that show kindness, ranging from simple messages left on a nature trail, a nicely painted rock to illicit a smile, or more direct efforts. This helps students learn communication, collaboration, and leadership along the way.
Be a Friend
Elbow Library and their youth ambassador Eli created a bookshelf that foster kindness. Eli personally chose some youth books for the “Be Kind” section.
O’Neil True Colours
The True Colours Club at Archbishop M.C. O’Neil Catholic High School had a busy year. Every day the group met for lunch and fun evening activities.
Youth Kindness Conference
Students and staff at the St. Gabriel School held a conference to spread mental health awareness. Both students and teachers realize how important this knowledge is for everyone.
Pink Shirt Day 2023
Balfour Arts Collective recognized Pink Shirt Day 2023 by making a commitment to spreading kindness throughout the school.
St. Pius’ Pink Shirt Day
At St. Pius, their Pink Shirt Day was a huge success with the help of the Be Kind Online program. SaskTel provided the students with pink t-shirts to wear. For the Pink Shirt Day, the classroom lessons were designed to teach antibullying activities.
Kindness Cart
Radville Regional School has challenged its students to spread acts of kindness. Staff and students were able to nominate students for their kind acts to the “Kindness Club.”
Book Club Promotes Kindness & Inclusion
Check out how students at O’Neill High School used their Be Kind Online grant to support diversity and inclusion.